
Blog – Friday 24th November

Welcome to another blog from the team at Pontefract Racecourse.

Every fortnight, someone from the team will share their thoughts for your entertainment (or otherwise!):

  • Managing Director, Norman Gundill with his trusty PA, Caroline who also looks after the hospitality,
  • Accounts Manager, Nicola,
  • Admin manager, Carol,
  • Marketing exec, Alexia and,
  • Chief Operating Officer, Richard who is writing todays blog.

November is a big month in the calendar for Racecourses up and down the country as the annual Racecourse Association Showcase Seminar and Awards takes place. The afternoon seminar offers Racecourses the chance to pick up tips from guest speakers from contrasting industries while the evening awards celebrates innovation and best practice on Racecourses with around 12 awards up for grabs. The culmination of the evening is the crowning of the ultimate Showcase Champion racecourse – an award that we were honoured to win in 2019 at the event at Hamilton Park.

The 2023 event saw the 2022 Champions, Aintree, act as host. Alexia and I made our way across the M62 to try and get some fresh ideas and start planning our 2024 racedays. The RCA had programmed a really interesting set of guest presenters from a diverse range of businesses and events – Everton Football Club, the Eurovision and the Royal and Ancient Golf Club. There have been several memorable presentations over the years and some that really stick with you. For me, listening to Susan Finnegan, Commercial Director at Culture Liverpool, talk about the Eurovision legacy was one of those. Her passion, pride and commitment were inspiring and the skill of her team to stage the most successful running of the famous song contest has helped to cement Liverpool as one of the leading destinations for events in the world.

The evening Awards ceremony did not disappoint either. Joined by the rest of the office team, Ponte was just one of a huge turn out from Racecourses to attend and we were lucky enough to have been shortlisted for two awards – in the Diversity and Inclusion and in the Raceday Event categories. Each year, the standard seems to get higher and higher as courses strive to better themselves and become industry trend setters. To even be nominated for an award is an honour and so to pick up the Raceday Event award for our Racing For Everyone Raceday in June is something that we are all immensely proud of.

In 2023, we had made a concerted effort to make wholescale changes to all our accessible facilities. Everyone in the team played their role – the groundstaff worked tirelessly to upgrade every accessible toilet and increase the size of every accessible viewing platform, and the office team identified different user groups and invited them to the course to see the changes that we had put in place. The event saw us roll out these extensive improvements to our accessible facilities alongside an orientation tour for anyone who wanted to familiarise themselves with the Racecourse, an Autism in Racing raceday, a trip down memory lane presentation for dementia patients and BSL interpreters for racegoers from the deaf community. The race meeting sticks out in my mind as having a huge amount of planning and preparation but being incredibly rewarding. One piece of feedback we received from a wheelchair user visiting the course was that she was used to feeling like a bit of a nuisance when she when to events normally but felt like a VIP on her trip to Ponte. This kind of testimonial makes even the hardest day at work seem worthwhile. 

The Showcase Champion award in 2023 went to Musselburgh Racecourse who won an incredible 3 Awards! It was a richly deserved success for a small team who work incredibly hard. We all cannot wait to sample the delights of Edinburgh and know that there will be a truly outstanding Scottish welcome.

Along with the best industry events, when the team lets their hair down and celebrates, comes the worst hangovers. It will come as no surprise that the Ponte team can party with the best of them. First ones on the dance floor, last ones to be kicked out. There are some sore heads today, but it was worth it!


Blog – 10th November

Welcome to another blog from the team at Pontefract Racecourse.

Every fortnight, someone from the team will share their thoughts for your entertainment (or otherwise!):

  • Managing Director, Norman Gundill with his trusty PA, Caroline who also looks after the hospitality,
  • Accounts Manager, Nicola,
  • Admin manager, Carol,
  • Marketing exec, Alexia,
  • Chief Operating Officer, Richard and,
  • Barney, Ruby, Toby, Daisy and Molly who are writing today’s blog!

In today’s blog we thought it was about time to introduce you to the true grafters in the office, the team that make Ponte so special, the ultimate back bone of the Racecourse – the office dogs!

We are lucky enough to have a team of five, four legged friends, with three permanent members of the team and two part timers who pop in to see us on a Friday.

First up we have Ruby. She has been part of the team for seven years and keeps all the boys in line! First and foremost, her role is predominantly being in charge of the kitchen. If there is any food consumption in the office, you can guarantee Ruby will be there to oversee it.

(Please don’t judge the contents of our fridge!)

Ruby has, in fact, added to her responsibilities and taken over a new role as reception watchdog, which she has stepped into really well. It’s great to see her positive attitude and dedication for the job. Ruby loves being in the office so much, that come the end of the day she refuses to leave her bed!

Ruby really is full of character and the office wouldn’t be the same without her.

Ruby’s two moods!

Next up we have Toby, aka Tony, who is very much in love with Ruby!

Our precious Toby has the important role of monitoring the printer, he deals mainly with scanning and photocopying.

Toby’s loves nothing more than chasing squirrels round the bins on his lunch break, but unfortunately he hasn’t figured out just yet that he will never be able to catch one!

Its fair to say Toby is a Prince, and he sure knows it!

Making up the full time trio is Barney who proves age is just a number!

Rocking those silks Barney!

When he isn’t chasing his dreams of becoming a jockey, Barney spends his time waiting for the postman to arrive at the end of the day and then informing us rather loudly that the postman has arrived.

Barney’s favourite thing in the world, like his mum, is sausage. His second favourite thing is attention. If Barney isn’t being hand fed sausage, he will scratch at anything and everything until he is! It has to be a sausage specifically as, like his mum, he’s a fussy eater! We love his persistence!

Now time to meet the part timers!

First up is Barney’s favourite Molly!

Molly definitely has the speed of a racehorse, but perhaps not the size. She does make a rather good jockey though!

Molly aka Houdini, is arguably the office flirt! It would be fair to say that you need to keep one eye on Molly at all times as she has become rather clever at stealing food right from under the nose of others and chewing whatever is in sight!

Last but by no means least is Daisy, the matriarch of the group!

A true Ponte girl!

While she may be in her later years, she still very much loves the buzz of the office and is always on the go, with a little guidance and support.

Thanks for reading, see you in two weeks!


Blog – 27th October

Welcome to another blog from the team at Pontefract Racecourse.

Every fortnight, someone from the team will share their thoughts for your entertainment (or otherwise!):

  • Managing Director, Norman Gundill, who is writing today’s blog!
  • His trusty PA, Caroline who also looks after the hospitality,
  • Accounts Manager, Nicola,
  • Admin manager, Carol,
  • Marketing exec, Alexia, and,
  • Chief Operating Officer, Richard.

I have known the Racecourse all my life. My Grandfather and his brother-in-law took on the secretarial work for the Race Company in November 1937 (before I was born). My Father followed him and with a colleague from his professional firm, subsequently took on the management. 

I don’t know when I first set foot on the Racecourse, my earliest memory is my mother bringing my sister and I for tea in the Directors Dining Room. We would have been 5 or 6 years old. As a teenager I was sent down to the Racecourse during school holidays to pin up results from other meetings and results of photo finishes. I joined the management team in 1966 and have been part of it ever since.

The Racecourse was a very different place in those days. To start with most racegoers were male. Apart from my mother and any female friend she had invited, there were no women. Most of those who came, came by public transport, buses, or trains.

In many ways the Stands were very basic and although I never thought it at the time, would have been depressing by today’s standards. The floors downstairs were solid concrete and upstairs were bare floorboards. The Glasshoughton Coking Plant (where Xscape now is) was in full production.  External wood was re-painted each year but was flaking off by the end of summer. You hoped the wind was a south easterly because that wafted in the smell of Pontefract Cakes or Mint Imperials from the Liquorice Works instead of the smell of the coke ovens.

The racetrack was only railed in from the 1½ mile start to the finish, so if a horse unseated its rider, the horse could get out.  One ended up in Featherstone!

Staffing on race days was minimal.  One fellow Racecourse Manager once said you could run a racecourse like ours on a “shoestring”.  We did not need a Safety Officer, or security staff.  We did have two or three police officers but no more.

We only had one honorary Doctor and one honorary Vet, who were rewarded with a very good lunch and could bring their wives.  Contrast that with today’s contingent of two (or sometimes three) Doctors, two Paramedic Ambulances, a Nurse, and a Physio, two Vets and a Horse Ambulance, all fully paid.

We did have photo finish.  We were one of the first in the country to get one.  We also had camera patrol but it was recorded on film.  We employed a man on a motorbike to bring the film from the camera out “into the Country”.  That film and the one taken from the Stands then had to be developed and projected onto a screen in the Stewards Room.

Commentary to Betting Shops was via the “blower” service with a man on the Stands relaying the commentary by telephone (as in the Robert Redford film “The Sting”).

There was no CCTV.  No TV’s in betting shops or TV channels other than BBC or ITV, but even that was in black & white. 

In the past 50+ years, we have replaced all the old concrete posts and wooden rails round the racetrack with plastic, done a huge amount of drainage and sand slitting, doubled the Main Stand in size by building on at the rear, brought both Stands up to modern Standards.  Built the Dalby (Private Box) Stand and the Park Suite and completely revamped the Parade Ring.

My Mother would recognise where she was, but I think she would marvel at what we have done.  I hope so, and I hope you appreciate the improvements as well.


Blog – 13th October

Welcome to another blog from the team at Pontefract Racecourse.

Every fortnight, someone from the team will share their thoughts for your entertainment (or otherwise!):

  • Managing Director, Norman Gundill with his trusty PA, Caroline who also looks after the hospitality,
  • Accounts Manager, Nicola,
  • Admin manager, Carol,
  • Marketing exec, Alexia, and,
  • Chief Operating Officer, Richard who is writing this blog

This time of year always brings a range of emotions as we start to bring the curtain down on the 2023 season. Depending on how successful the year has been often determines whether we’re ready to close the doors for another year, or whether we wish we could continue racing a little longer.

As we approach the end of another racing season, one question that we are asked a lot is ‘what do you do over the winter without racing’?

I think that there’s a general perception that Racecourses simply go into hibernation for the Winter but there’s an awful lot of work goes on behind the scenes for everyone on the course.

From the Groundstaff perspective, there’s the small matter of repairing the track following around 100-120 horses using the course on the last day. After that, it’s time to crack on with the list of repairs and renovations needed before the start of the 2024 season in April. A site this size ultimately has a fair amount of wear and tear through the course of each year and the groundsteam work tirelessly over the Winter to get everything looking spick and span. It’s a bit like the old analogy of painting the Forth Road Bridge – they start in the Picnic Enclosure and work through to the Premier, by which time, the Picnic is ready for more maintenance!

We also have the small matter of the Weighing Room refurbishment to contend with. At a cost of just under £¾ million, the Weighing Room will be completely stripped out, redesigned and renovated in line with the new British Horseracing Authority regulations. Much has been written about the costs associated with the re-designs but, whatever the thoughts of individual racecourses, our Weighing Room is desperately ready for the change and a big make over. We’re looking forward to providing a new, state of the art facility that is in keeping with the athletes who use it.

We also need to keep on top of providing outstanding facilities for our equine visitors and, during the Winter of 2023, we’ll be installing a new trot up area as well as renovating the Veterinary Treatment areas in the Stable Yard. 

Preparing for a new season from an administrative point of view is no mean feat. Budgeting, prize money planning, managing admission pricing, battling with proposed food and drink costs, planning innovative new days, booking musicians, creating marketing literature etc are all time consuming jobs. There’s a new office move to factor in and we mustn’t forget the conferences and Christmas parties as well!

Before we know it, it’ll be March 2024 and we’ll be on the usual last minute push to get everything finalised. Training new raceday staff, compiling risk assessments and staff instructions for every job you can imagine. And we’ll no doubt be applying a final lick of paint to the new Weighing Room when we open the doors on the 2nd April. 

Until then, we look forward to celebrating the end of what has been an outstanding season at Pontefract.

We’ll see you on the 23rd October.


Blog – 22nd September

Welcome to another blog from the team at Pontefract Racecourse.

Every fortnight, someone from the team will share their thoughts for your entertainment (or otherwise!):

  • Managing Director, Norman Gundill with his trusty PA, Caroline who also looks after the hospitality,
  • Accounts Manager, Nicola,
  • Admin manager, Carol,
  • Marketing exec, Alexia, who is writing this blog, and,
  • Chief Operating Officer, Richard

Last week was National Racehorse Week, a nationwide annual celebration of the racehorse and a chance to see first-hand the love, care and attention that goes into looking after them. Training yards, studs and many other sites open their doors to the public and offer the chance to go behind the scenes and find out more about the Racehorse.

During National Racehorse Week we were lucky enough to visit New Beginnings. New Beginnings are a charity that retrain and rehome retired racehorses, supporting them in their lives past the post. They are based in York and are home to 32 horses including Burrow Seven, Chil The Kite, Mister McGoldrick and Goldream to name just a few!

New Beginnings is also home to our Equine Ambassador, Nearly Caught, known affectionately as Nico. Earning just under £350,000 in prize money, Nico was a strong stayer who often competed over marathon trips. He won 4 races at Listed level and took the Group 2 Prix Kergolay at Deauville. Partial to a trip to France, he also finished an excellent third in the Group 1 Prix Du Cadran at Longchamp.

He is no stranger to Pontefract either. In 2015 he won the Phil Bull Trophy by an impressive 10 lengths – his biggest winning margin throughout his esteemed career! You can also meet Nico himself as he visits the Racecourse at our Sunday race meetings.

On Wednesday last week some of us from the office and the grounds team headed over for the day to lend a hand with getting some jobs done around the yard ahead of the open day they were hosting as part of National Racehorse Week. The day started with an insightful tour from Pam and Kev who founded New Beginnings, they introduced to all the horses who were out enjoying a pick of grass with the sun on their backs!

We made sure we turned up armed with plenty of carrots and polos for them to enjoy. I think they went down a treat!

After taking a look around at all the wonderful facilities they have in place we got stuck in with getting some work done. Caroline and myself got started with a very important job, pruning! Martin and Mick chopped back a tree that was hanging over the arena while Nicola, Richard, Tom and Rob tided up the mats outside the stables that the horses use for trotting up and down.

We then had a lunch break and took in the beautiful settings of North Yorkshire, we were a hit with all the cats who took a keen interest in what we had all brought in our packed lunches! In the afternoon it was a group effort at tackling some weeds and digging out a pathway to the arena before it was time to head back to the Racecourse.

It was a wonderful day, thank you very much to Pam and Kev for having us!


Blog – 8th September 2023

Welcome to another blog from the team at Pontefract Racecourse.

Every fortnight, someone from the team will share their thoughts for your entertainment (or otherwise!):

  • Managing Director, Norman Gundill with his trusty PA, Caroline who also looks after the hospitality,
  • Accounts Manager, Nicola,
  • Admin manager, Carol,
  • Marketing exec, Alexia, and,
  • Chief Operating Officer, Richard who is writing this blog

If you’ve been coming to Pontefract for a few years, you’ll have seen a lot of changes.

Possibly one of the most striking upgrades we’ve ever carried out was in converting the old disused, tote shed in the Picnic Enclosure into the Pavilion Café which many know better as Huggamug@ThePavilion.

The transformation was massive. The old tote had not been in operation for several years and the building, in a general state of collapse, was used as a storage area by our groundstaff for sand, soil and building materials. It really was in a sorry state and something of an eyesore.

Plans were put in place in 2019 to refurbish the building with the intention of creating a new, contemporary café for racegoers in the Picnic Enclosure. Finalising on an American Diner theme, the café work was completed in the winter of 2019/20 with the intention of welcoming it’s first guests in April 2020.

And then covid hit. Race meetings were cancelled and the new Pavilion café sat empty with no date on the horizon when racegoers might be able to use it.

As furlough took hold, we started to look for alternative things that some of the permanent staff could do and we hit on the idea of opening the Pavilion to park users as a temporary measure to enable the Racecourse staff to continue working. As the grand opening approached, covid cases grew rapidly and lockdowns followed, meaning that the doors were locked indefinitely once more.

However, with the idea of a café for Park users now growing into something more tangible, we started to make more concrete plans. The Park has always been in need of a café facility and we had a newly refurbished building that ticked all the boxes.

When the pandemic allowed, and the country began to open up, we went out to tender to find a permanent solution for the Pavilion and along came Jo and Andy. In truth, we knew from the beginning that they were the right people to take over the café. Their easy going nature, their fantastic rapport with people and their gorgeous food made them the obvious choice. And so Huggamug@ThePavilion was born.

If you’ve not been, then you really must try it. With parking outside the café, and the beautiful park to explore, it’s a great way to pass a couple of hours. Quite rightly, there’s an outstanding score on Google. We all have our favourites, but if you can’t find one of their cakes that you adore, then you’re in serious trouble – for me, the Biscoff Blondie can’t be beaten!


Blog – Friday 25th August 2023

Welcome to another blog from the team at Pontefract Racecourse.

Every fortnight, someone from the team will share their thoughts for your entertainment (or otherwise!):

  • Managing Director, Norman Gundill with his trusty PA, Caroline who also looks after the hospitality,
  • Accounts Manager, Nicola,
  • Admin manager, Carol,
  • Marketing exec, Alexia, and,
  • Chief Operating Officer, Richard who is writing this blog.

Pontefract aside, one of the best Racecourses in the country, and possibly the world, is York Racecourse.

While the National Hunt purists have the Cheltenham Festival, the Ebor Festival is often regarded as one of the best festivals in the flat racing calendar with both avid racegoers and socialites mixing on the Knavesmire.

York is quite rightly put on a pedestal with some wonderful facilities and excellent service. If you have not visited the area before, it is well worth adding to the bucket list as not only does the course put on a fantastic spectacle, but the beautiful city comes alive with racegoers continuing their days out well into the evening.

With a small break in the racing schedule at Pontefract, the office team were able to take a well deserved break and have a day out on Wednesday to see some of the greatest thoroughbreds in training battle on the York turf. A day at the races is something of a ‘busman’s holiday’ but it’s hugely important for us to visit other places, see what’s happening elsewhere and pick up examples of best practice that we might be able to bring back to Pontefract. We had a brilliant day out and it was fantastic to see so many people enjoying the sport and all that it offers.

The racing itself was brilliant as always but, as the industry continues to face it’s own battles, we, like many others in the industry, were disappointed to see small fields for the Group races. With one million pounds worth of prize money on offer, it was particularly sad to see a field of just 4 horses line up for the Juddmonte International. Despite a wonderful initial entry, opposition to the new wonderhorse, Paddington, began to drop out one by one and it was left to John and Thady Gosden’s Mostahdaf to provide the sternest test. And, under the inimitable Frankie Dettori, he saw off the young pretender in scintillating fashion. It begs the question as to how good the Japanese horse, Equinox , must be as he had the subsequent Juddmonte winner 7 lengths behind him without being asked for maximum effort.

It was good to see the team from New Beginnings also out in force at the track with their wonderful team of Racehorse Ambassadors (including our own Nico – Nearly Caught) on hand to greet the racegoers.  If you’re going to York on Friday, keep an eye out for our very own Alexia, who will be helping out on the New Beginnings stand and will happily sell you some raffle tickets or Christmas cards!


Blog – 11th August

Welcome to another blog from the team at Pontefract Racecourse.

Every fortnight, someone from the team will share their thoughts for your entertainment (or otherwise!):

  • Managing Director, Norman Gundill with his trusty PA, Caroline who also looks after the hospitality,
  • Accounts Manager, Nicola,
  • Admin manager, Carol,
  • Marketing exec, Alexia, and,
  • Chief Operating Officer, Richard (who is writing today’s blog)


The glitz and glamour returned to Pontefract on Wednesday as the course hosted their annual Ladies Day. Stilettoes, hats and fascinators were the order of the as the Ladies of Yorkshire dressed to impress to be in with a chance of winning the coveted Best Dressed Lady competition for an amazing prize of an all-inclusive holiday to the fantastic RIU Dubai resort. The first 500 racegoers through the Premier Enclosure entrance were greeted with a glass of bubbly to kick start their day.

The Best Dressed competitions took place before racing and the Heart Angels were on hand to pick 100 Ladies and 50 Gents for their respective finals. It was the eighth year RIU Hotels & Resorts have sponsored the Best Dressed competitions and they provided yet another spectacular prize for our winning Lady and Runner Up. Around 100 ladies took to the Parade Ring in the hope of claiming the big prize and it was Charlotte Hall who took the crown.

The opening race on the card was the 1m2f Solutions 4 Cleaning Handicap for gentleman amateur riders which featured a renewal of rivalry between Dogged and Just Hiss who had fought out a pulsating finish at Beverley earlier in the month. On that occasion, Dogged had forged out the win but, different day, different track, and Just Hiss took his revenge under 17 year old, Thomas Easterby, trained by his father Tim. Appreciating the renowned stiff finish, the winner stayed on strongly to beat his brother, Will, who was on board his Uncle Mick’s ‘Contrast’. A real family affair!

There were two divisions of the 6f Maiden and former champion jockey, Ryan Moore, made the long trip north for two rides – one in each of these races. Things got off to the perfect start as he partnered Kevin Ryan’s Royal Zabeel to a facile 7½ length success. The winner is well regarded by the Hambleton trainer and is expected to go on to better things. Moore was aboard the well fancied Point Given for Sir Michael Stoute in the second division but he could only manage 4th place behind a couple of exciting looking juveniles. Charlie Johnston’s Saint Matthew made a bold bid from the front on his racecourse debut but was overhauled in the closing stages by Richard Fahey’s Ajwadi who, with the benefit of racecourse experience, put his head in front at the right time. 

One of the feature races of the day was the 2m Napoleons Casino Bradford Handicap. With 5 course winners amongst the competitors, it looked like a great race on paper and the reality did not disappoint. Punters made Charlie Johnston’s Yorkindness the favourite and the support was well founded with Joe Fanning steering the filly to a hard fought ½ length victory over El Borracho, maintaining her 100% record at the track.  It was Fanning’s only ride on the card but gave him his 4th victory at the track in 2023.

The RIU Hotels Veteran’s handicap is open to horses aged 6 years or older. 11 well known names lined up over the 1m trip with Mick Appleby’s Motawaafeq coming out on top with a battling victory – repelling all challenges. In a similar vein, Paul Midgley’s Van Gerwen rolled back the years when taking the FBS Chartered Accountants Handicap under Cam Hardie, recording his 4th course and distance victory in the process.

With many winners coming from near the pace, there was a deluge of money for Tracy Waggott’s front running Ghathanfar in the final race and he set a scorching pace from the outset. However, in a complete reversal of the day’s form, Michael Dod’s Emily Post came from last to first under a brilliant ride from Callum Rodriguez. Apparently difficult to settle, the 4 year old looked a completely different proposition this time and can progress if her wayward tendencies are behind her.

The next race meeting at Pontefract is the final Family Day of the year on Sunday 20th August. There will be the usual array of family filled entertainment and tickets are selling fast for the event. Racegoers are encouraged to book online in advance to avoid disappointment.


Blog – 28th July

Welcome to another blog from the team at Pontefract Racecourse.

Every fortnight, someone from the team will share their thoughts for your entertainment (or otherwise!):

  • Managing Director, Norman Gundill with his trusty PA, Caroline who also looks after the hospitality,
  • Accounts Manager, Nicola,
  • Admin manager, Carol,
  • Marketing exec, Alexia, and,
  • Chief Operating Officer, Richard

In today’s blog we thought we take a look at the runners in the Listed Race here on Sunday …

The Listed SkyBet Pomfret Stakes is taking place on Sunday 30th July, staged over a mile, with six horses entered. There’s just 6lbs between the highest and lowest rated and it looks to be a fiercely competitive race.

A ‘Listed’ race at Class 1 level is the highest quality race that we stage at Pontefract and we have 5 of these races throughout the season. A Listed race sits below the standard of a Group 1, Group 2 and Group 3 race, but is classified as being of a higher standard than a handicap and we often see some classy performers competing. As a general guide, a ‘Listed’ standard horse has an average rating of 100. With all horses entered to run on Sunday being rated between 103 and 109, it looks like to be a good quality renewal.

Last year’s winner Alflaila, trained by Owen Burrows, is the current title holder. He won the 2022 renewal under Jim Crowley showing a serious turn of foot when turning for home leaving the rest of the field behind. The Shadwell bred colt went on to win two group three races following success at Pontefract, taking the Strensall Stakes at York and the Darley Stakes at Newmarket. He makes his return to the track this weekend at York in the SkyBet York Stakes and will no doubt be looking to resume his winning streak. He now is rated 116 which shows the quality of winner that this race can produce.

Shadwell have another representative this year with Al Mubhir. Trainer William Haggas is, however, looking for his first win in the race. The son of Frankel won a £50,000 feature race at Leicester earlier in the season, winning well under William Buick. He was third on his last trip out in a Listed Race at Haydock. Tom Marquand takes the ride on Sunday.

Poker Face, is unbeaten at Ponte and will be looking for his third success at the track. Winning on debut here last September for Simon and Ed Crisford, it was soon followed by another win here in October. This season he made an impressive effort in the Earl of Sefton Stakes at Newmarket to finish second behind Godolphin’s Ottoman Fleet and more recently on his last run was again second in a Listed Race at Sandown.

Royal Ascot winner Witch Hunter will also be lining up. The winner of the Buckingham Place Stakes at the Royal meeting saw him beat a field of 29 runners to out run his odds of 50/1 and land jockey Jamie Spencer his first win at Royal Ascot since 2018. The duo will be hoping for further success this season for trainer Richard Hannon.

The highest rated runner in the field is George Boughey’s Raadobarg. Just behind Poker Face at Newmarket, he ran a stormer to finish 3rd to Chindit at Ascot. Boughey is currently the joint leading trainer at Ponte in 2023 and will be keen to get another winner on the board.

Yorkshire based horse Flight Plan is the only youngster in the field at 3 years old. Being younger than the rest, the conditions of the race mean that he carries less weight than his opponents. He ran in the Group 1 2000 Guineas earlier in the season and so is clearly well thought of by Karl Burke.

Archie Watson’s Excel Power, completes the field. Despite being the lower rated, he’s no slouch and has already won 8 races in his career.  

It looks like a fascinating race and we’re really looking forward to it. Opinion in the Ponte office is divided and the tips of the team are below:

Alexia – Raadobarg

Richard – Poker Face

Caroline – Poker Face

Carol – Witch Hunter

Nicola – Excel Power


Blog – 14th July

This week’s blog is written by Charlotte Russell, General Manager of Go Racing in Yorkshire –

The Go Racing In Yorkshire Summer Festival, Sponsored By Sky Bet

One of the strengths of the nine racecourses in Yorkshire is their ability to collaborate with each other.  Whether that’s sharing learning and experiences, asking one another for advice or simply celebrating together, there is a real #TeamYorkshire ethos.

While much of this collaboration happens in the office, it is outwardly open for all to see during the last week of July when The Go Racing In Yorkshire Summer Festival, sponsored by Sky Bet takes place.  There’s racing at eight of the nine flat courses over a period of eight days where festival fever will hit them all and it starts at Pontefract on Friday 21st July.

A new start date for 2023, Pontefract’s evening meeting is part of their Friday night music nights and Dreams of Fleetwood Mack will be performing after racing – the music adding to the festival feel.  They are also hosting a beer festival, making it the perfect launch for our beer of the festival, HoofBeat, a light amber coloured, crisp, clean, aromatic session bitter made from Barley malt grown on the Yorkshire Wolds and brewed by Hunmanby based Wold Top You will find this beer at all the meetings during the festival week.

Before racing starts, you can catch the human athletes of the meeting taking part in a football skills competition in the Parade Ring, it’s very competitive although the ability is mixed!  They would love your encouragement so don’t miss this opportunity to see who will get an early position on the leader board.

Other competitions throughout the week are the leading trainer of the week, sponsored by Goldsborough Hall and the leading jockey of the week sponsored by Sky Bet, who also offer a prize for the yard that wins the most best turned out horse awards in the Sky Bet sponsored races.  There’s £1,000 to share between the staff and we’ll be arranging a pizza van to visit the winning yard for a celebration.

The Summer Festival week always supports a charity and this year the Injured Jockeys Fund are the recipients.  The team from Jack Berry House in Malton will be present across the courses to talk about the wonderful work they do in preparing and rehabilitating the human participants and will be raising funds by selling raffle tickets to win a fabulous prize of a table for four at York’s meeting on Saturday 23rd September.

You can also visit Jack Berry House in Malton, between 2pm and 4pm on Tuesday, July 25, when there is no racing in the county.  A fantastic opportunity to see the facilities, meet the staff and learn more about the running and funding of the centre.

Don’t miss the racecard competition to win a Go Racing In Yorkshire season ticket for the 2024/25 season.  You will find a ‘passport’ on the back of the racecard at Pontefract.  Get it stamped at the racecard selling outlet and take it with you to the other Yorkshire meetings you attend during the festival week to claim your stamps.  Once you have received five stamps you can enter the prize draw.

The Go Racing In Yorkshire Summer Festival is the perfect opportunity to showcase everything that racing in Yorkshire has to offer.  Made up from a mix of afternoon and evening fixtures, there are three music nights, with The Human League and Craig David performing at York on the final days of the festival.

Redcar, Catterick and Thirsk are all hosting family days when there’s additional entertainment for the children as well as the racing to get excited about.

It’s a week that covers every type of racing too!  The next round of The Go Racing In Yorkshire Future Stars Apprentice series, supported by White Rose Saddlery, takes place at Redcar on Sunday, July 23 – a race specifically for the least experienced jockeys who are learning their trade.  Prior to racing they will walk the course with a jockey coach, who will then watch the race with the jockeys after the winning presentation has been made and debrief each rider about their performance. 

The week finishes with a Group 2 race at York, the Sky bet York Stakes, where the jump jockeys even get in on the action with the Sky Bet ‘Jump Jockeys’ Nunthorpe’ Handicap Stakes.  Usually riding over a minimum distance of 2 miles, their wit and sharp thinking will be tested by this charge over five furlongs.

Whatever your connection with racing, this is the week for you.  Either a seasoned professional or a new racegoer, a regular across the Yorkshire courses or have them all to tick off, this is the perfect opportunity to visit the tracks and enjoy the sport.

Find out more by visiting the Go Racing In Yorkshire website.